Local path on Parking C: 'The clock is ticking for the Eurostadium'

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The project of Eurostadium has once again slowed down. The Justice of the peace ruled in Grimbergen that the path that crosses carpark C does indeed have a reason to exist. Last month, the judge had come to see with his own eyes where said path was exactly. And he decided to recognize the local road as such. It's bad news for the builders of the Eurostadium, because the ruling prevents the building permit from being delivered


Het grootste voetbalstadion van het land, de grootste ondergrondse parking van Europa: superlatieven genoeg in de plannen voor een nationaal voetbalstadion op de site van Parking C. Maar wordt het stadion ooit gebouwd? Je leest er alles over in ons dossier.     

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Read more about: BRUZZ 24 , Eurostadion

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