The Brussels government wants two fully electric bus lines in 2019. The 235 electric buses, announced earlier on, will be hybrid buses.

The Brussels government invests 27.6 million in two electric bus lines by 2018-2019. This was announced by Transport Minister Pascal Smet (SP.A) and Céline Fremault (CDH).

The ministers also announced that by 2030, the MIVB will have a fully electric network.

Earlier on, the MIVB put out a tender for 235 electric buses.

According to the ministers, the market isn't able to meet the requirements imposed by the Brussels government.

The MIVB will buy 235 new hybrid buses. They will be able to operate on diesel and electricity..

Thanks to the new buses, the 117 most polluting diesel buses will be off the roads.

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Read more about: Samenleving , Politiek

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