If you love Fleet Foxes, you should definitely give Family of the Year a try. Like the Beach Boys, their harmonies have spent time in the Californian sun.

CD | Family of the Year ●●
Loma Vista
folkpop (Nettwerk/Munich/V2)

Despite the fact that brothers Joe and Sebastian Keefe, the singer-guitarist and drummer respectively, are from dreary Wales, they found a carefree West Coast feel in Los Angeles that fits their folkie indie pop like a glove. They yearn and pine as though there were no tomorrow, for love and for eternal youth, but though both are unattainable, a constant, infectious musical optimism sparkles on the horizon. As a result, you will spontaneously start whistling along to their melodious musings about wonderful beach parties, friendship, and (lost) innocence, until you get to the point when you realise that it all sounds slightly too good to be true. Family of the Year has perfected the niche of indie folk pop, but after a while, their slick sound starts to grate on you, making you want some Magic Numbers style impulsiveness or more, um, profundity. It’s good stuff to ride a heat wave, but not to get through chilly winter evenings.

3/9, 20.00, €11/14, Botanique

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