Lumisokea is the name under which the Belgian Koenraad Ecker (see also Intangible States) and the Italian Andrea Taeggi combine subtle layers of acoustic and (analogue) electronic music to create something new and stimulating.
CD | Lumisokea ●●●
electro (Eat Concrete)

Like Automatons, their 2011 debut, the duo’s new album sounds introspective, but in a darker vein; amid the sporadic, isolated cello and piano passages there are gently murmuring waves of sound that spread like circles in the water, slowly and hypnotically. At times things become bleakly mute, even in the midst of chirping electronica; sometimes an acceleration in the tempo counters that devotional, languishing atmosphere; the key constant feature is the duo’s determination never to undermine the meticulously created trance. In live performance their slowly evolving musical spectrum is interpreted by the video artist Yannick Jacquet, alias Legoman, known for his work for the AntiVJ label. In a preferably dark, smoke-filled space, abstract rays of light emphasise the physical force generated by the listening experience. The six new tracks on Selva were skilfully mastered in Berlin by Rashad Becker of Shackleton, who immediately invited Lumisokea to be their support act.

15/11, 20.00, €12, Ancienne Belgique

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