1532 art marges
Summer vibe

Summer Collection #2 shows the best artistic work of psychiatric patients

Sophie Soukias

A driver who became a cobbler, Juanma González started painting after watching a television programme. The shoes he repairs became the material he painted on.

The art)&(marges museum's collection includes a few pairs, which are currently exhibited in the "Summer Collection #2", and which have also been selected as being among the one hundred most beautiful works of art in the permanent collections of the city's museums (#100 Masters). And yet, when he started painting colourful landscapes on the soles of his customers' shoes, Juanma González had no thoughts of making a name for himself and no expectation of ever seeing his work exhibited. That's the thing about the art)&(marges museum: it highlights what is called "outsider art", produced spontaneously by self-taught artists operating on the margins of society. Some are residents of psychiatric institutions or homes for mentally disabled people. "Summer Collection #2" presents work by a great variety of artists (chosen by the museum's visitors), including leading figures of Art brut such as Aloïse Corbaz, Paul Duhem, and Jill Galliéni.

> 18/9, art)&(marges, www.artetmarges.be, www.100masters.brussels

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