Summer Exhibitions: Il était une fois l'art brut

Estelle Spoto
© Agenda Magazine
Crazy people’s art? Children’s art? Primitive art? There are many misunderstandings about art brut (outsider art) – art produced outside the traditional circuits. These raise fundamental questions about the nature of art itself and about the categories we decide to apply to it. Playfully sidestepping people’s prejudices, “Il était une fois l’art brut” brings together 80 works, without any explanatory texts – so that the visitor focuses first of all on the painting, drawing, or sculpture rather than on any characteristics of the person who made it. Keen to build bridges and to encourage dialogue, the art) & (marges museum has included photographs and videos by Messieurs Delmotte, an artist from the “official” art world. He raises questions about art through the absurdities of the way he turns the spotlight on himself. (Image: Jeantimir Kchaoudoff)

• IL ÉTAIT UNE FOIS L’ART BRUT > 12/10, art)&(marges musée/museum,

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