Summer Exhibitions: Kevin Marcell

Kurt Snoekx
© Agenda Magazine
The city has its own mysterious ways of revealing itself: fragmented, kaleidoscopic, like a constant interplay of sights and sounds that penetrate your pores. The work of Kevin Marcell, a Venezuelan street artist based in New York, embraces the city in all its complexity. Using spray cans, stencils, and silkscreen printing on recycled materials like cardboard boxes, paper, and cycling maps, he revisits what he found: buildings on his bike route between the Bronx and Brooklyn, incidental passers-by, etc. They are honest, colourful compositions that reveal the city’s vibe and dynamics like dense heat maps, and which review our relationship with this pulsating being, layer after layer carefully constructed from the remains of the day. “Esse non videri”, can be read on one of the works. To be, not to seem. The goal of all art.

• KEVIN MARCELL: URBAN IMPRIMATUR > 29/9, Atelier d’Artistes,

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