Schwalbe needs you!

Gerd Hendrickx
© Agenda Magazine
(© Pepijn Lutgerink)

The Dutch theatre company Schwalbe has developed quite a reputation over the past few years with its particularly physical productions. Its new, silent play Schwalbe zoekt massa (“Schwalbe searches mass”) might be considered an amusing inquiry into the energy of a group of people and how individuals behave in the group. The piece will be performed with a different “cast” in every different city. Schwalbe is still looking for volunteers (m/f) for its performances at the Kaaistudios on 16 and 17 January. Neither age nor experience matter. The first rehearsal/workshop is on 10 January (7 > 10 pm) and the second is on Thursday 16 January (3 pm), followed by the performance (8.30 pm). On Friday 17 January you will be expected at 6 pm. Interested? If so, mail to Info:

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