1636 EXPO GiusseppeSampone

Guiseppe Stampone

The title of Stampone’s exhibition refers to a philosophical poem by Lucretius, written in the year 50 BC, in which the poet places man in a vaster and more universal context, in a reflective arc that starts at the molecular level and reaches the immensity of the cosmos.

Between these two, the mountains arise.

> Guiseppe Stampone: De la nature des choses
> 20/12, Marie-Laure Fleisch, www.galleriamlf.com

Guiseppe Stampone draws the Apennine mountains of his youth with incredible precision. Rather than being a nostalgic return to his roots, these drawings made with a graphite pencil are a meditation on the timeless beauty of nature, and on humanity’s place in the world.

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Read more about: Brussel , Expo , Guiseppe Stampone , Galleria MLF

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