Bojan Z, master of disguise

Georges Tonla Briquet
© Agenda Magazine
His name sounds like something out of a comic strip and with his shaven head and broad shoulders he does look like a real superhero, but Bojan Zulfikarpasic is every inch a jazz pianist. He is coming to BOZAR with a brand new solo CD under his belt.

Bojan Z - Soul Shelter •••
Jazz (Emarcy)

Bojan Z was born in Belgrade. When he was twenty, he headed off to France, which has been his second homeland ever since. A quarter of a century later he has an impressive record to his name. Bojan Z is above all a pianist of his time who blurs boundaries and harmoniously fuses diverse styles. With his colourful musical baggage, which ranges from Bartók to Zappa, he is in great demand as an accompanist and has played with big names such as Henri Texier and Michel Portal. Now and then, thankfully, he takes time out to come up with work of his own. On his new CD he keeps things extremely sober. It is a solo record (his second, after Solobsession in 2001) with ten compositions of his own and an adaptation of Duke Ellington’s “On a Turquoise Cloud”. Bojan alternates acoustic and electric (Fender Rhodes) piano as he negotiates his way through a world of different sonorities. It is fascinating to see how he always manages to escape classification just when you feel you can pin him down to a particular style. At times his playing is almost, but not quite, classical; a little later he flirts with rock and grooves; and later still there are hints of the blues. Bojan shows himself to be a master of disguise as he reveals the riches jazz improvisation can offer.
11/3, 20.00, €15/18, Bozar Centre for Fine Arts

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