John the Conqueror: The Good Life

Tom Peeters
© Agenda Magazine
The Good Life is the second album by John the Conqueror, a blues-rock trio from Philadelphia. For people who love their blues raw and tense.

CD | John The Conqueror ●●●
The Good Life bluesrock (Alive NaturalSound Records)

“I was just a boy, I was taught the golden rule,” sings an inspired Pierre Moore about halfway through The Good Life, in which he tells us about how he kept breaking that rule, smoking his first cigarette, taking a girl up to his room, etc. “What was I supposed to do on the road to Bayport when I got the blues?” another guy wonders. In his free time he roams the bars, hunting, while his wife waits for him at home. Machismo, excuses, and then – inevitably – declarations of love and, in the best case, a sort of redemption: it’s the fixed chronology of almost all the stories on The Good Life. We hear the acquiescence: “Same shit, it’s just a different day”. Moore picked up his authentic personalities during his youth in Jackson, Mississippi and his life on the road, he textures them with soulful lyrics, and with the help of bassist Ryan Lynn and drummer Michael Gardner, immerses them in raw, tense blues tones, pretty much their natural habitat. With the exception of “Let’s Burn Down the Cornfield”, borrowed from Randy Newman, they do it with their own compositions, off the cuff, and with a profound respect for the mom who laid down the law in “Golden Rule”.

29/1, 19.45, €10, DNA

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