The career of this unconventional Icelandic music collective, which combined its classical training with a range of rock instruments, playful electronica, and intimate ambient, has always stood in the shadow of fellow islanders Sigur Rós. But though múm accentuated their u, Sigur Rós sounded more serious and sought more intense, grander-scale interventions.
CD | Múm ● ●

Smilewound electro/pop (Morr Music/Konkurrent)

Four years after Sing Along to Songs You Don’t Know, múm is welcoming back founding member and singer Gyða Valtýsdóttir. She left the group eleven years ago and the other band members spontaneously seem to be more sparing with their space. For example, you can take “Slow Down” quite literally, despite its nervously pulsing rhythm. And everything stays surprisingly quiet and whispery on “Time To Scream And Shout”. At first it is rather difficult to find any coherence on Smilewound. The kaleidoscopic panorama, as always rich in colourful details, broken melodies, and tempo changes, sometimes seems to get in the way of a clear sense of direction. And there is a stark contrast between Gyða’s naïve, rather monotone voice and the fast, dynamic rhythms. But odlly enough, this all seems to help múm – like on “One Smile” – achieve a more accessible palette that throws open windows and doors, and give them a boost towards further evolution and recognition.

21/9, 20.00, €22/25, Amerikaans Theater,

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