Stealing Sheep is a self-willed trio of ladies from Liverpool that allies traditional siren song with roots in medieval English folk to a modern, lo-fi sound, and gets away with it remarkably well.

CD | Stealing Sheep ●●
Into the Diamond Sun
pop (Cooperative Music/V2)

The proof lies not only in the charming psychedelic range that makes their debut album so hypnotising, but also the ease with which the three inventively and seamlessly blend all kinds of electronica and synths into their authentic delivery. They are really quite unruly, skipping from one style to another. Due to this urge to experiment, Becky (the frontwoman on the keyboard), Emily (on guitar), and Lucy (on drums) make the odd mistake. But you seldom hear them fall prey to rustic ramblings. They take their musical crochets in too many directions for that, and they are too fond of wordplays. But then, they have a whole career to find their focus. Their first and noblest ambition is skilfully to perform harmonies and melodies, some of which are more infectious than others.

20/11, 19.30, €13/16, Botanique

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