Schrödinger: the truth that is also a lie

Gilles Bechet
© Agenda Magazine
(© Philpott Design)

In 1935, the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger had the idea of putting to the test one of the paradoxes of quantum physics by means of an experiment in which a cat, locked into a box with a capsule of poison, could be simultaneously dead and alive. Being simultaneously absent and present, telling a truth that is also a lie: that is the starting point of an extraordinary show from the Anglo-Belgian company Reckless Sleepers. Onstage we see a black cube that attracts five actor-performers like a magnet. On its sides are sliding panels through which they enter and exit and bring objects and props in and out. The protagonists of this strange ballet write and erase graffiti and words on the walls of this cube house. As in the physics experiment, the spectators are not too sure of what they are seeing. The actors engage in strange, at times repetitive, rituals, somewhere between order and chaos. The apples, the chairs, and, above all, the two embracing characters whose heads are covered by cloths recall Magritte, whose playing with objects and their representation in images and words is here given a choreographic extension. Experimental and very physical, but also eminently accessible, because it is highly visual, the theatre of Reckless Sleepers operates like a rebus and like a metaphor of the mind in which words and images appear, disappear, and reappear before nestling in the unconscious.

SCHRÖDINGER 15 & 16/1, 20.30, €8/12/13/15, Théâtre 140, avenue E. Plaskylaan 140, Schaarbeek/Schaerbeek, 02-733.97.08,

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