Brussels has been home to another new gallery since April. Comic Art Factory is diving into the growing market of original comic strip art.

The fabulous furry freak brothers: hairy stoners on hallucinogens
For its second sale exhibition, it is bringing the psychedelic, marijuana-enveloped work of Gilbert Shelton to Brussels. These days, the icon of the American underground comix movement has been keeping a cottage garden in France, but fifty years ago, in the blessed month of May 1968, he launched his best-known series: The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, which is about the wacky adventures of a trio of hairy stoners who are hopped up on hallucinogens and eating kicks. Get your freak on!
> Gilbert Shelton: The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers 18/5 > 2/6, Comic Art Factory
Read more about: Expo , Comic Art Factory
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