1613 Filip dujardin EN

Filip Dujardin: architect of the surreal

Kurt Snoekx

At Art Brussels, Gallery Valerie Traan had a small surprise in store for fans of the work of the Ghent-based artist Filip Dujardin. The artist indulges his fascination for architecture and photography in his work by combining the two in a playful reinvention of urban space, but he has recently shifted his attention to three dimensions.

With a table that consists of an assemblage of marble tablets, he mirrors his photographic work. The latter is still the central focus at Atelier 34zero Muzeum: these are images of buildings which, in their remixed and reassembled state, look both relatively credible and utterly surrealistic. Build it bigger!

> Filip Dujardin: Overview. 28/4 > 29/7, Atelier 34zero Muzeum

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