1599 MUSIC ictus - phrases

Ictus Liquid Room VIII PHRASES at Kaaitheater: more than sound


On the eighth edition of their unique Liquid Room Series, Ictus are expanding their horizons. With a combination of sound poetry, spoken word, and modal music, the contemporary Brussels ensemble seeks to highlight that music is not just sound.

The focus is on the “phrase”, which according to the musicians “offers possibilities at the intersection of melody and rhythm to understand music as a vital development of ideas constructed around impulses and accents, energetic circuits, movements, and agility.”

In short, music in the full sense of the word, in the literal sense. To hear just how much sense there is in this perspective, the Kaaitheater is the place to be.

> ICTUS: Liquid Room VIII: PHRASES. 20/1, 20.30, Kaaitheater, Brussels

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