ADAM has a taste for it! Until the beginning of May, the Brussels Design Museum is obeying the feverish call of the nightclub in “Night Fever”. And now it is also turning its bloodshot eyes to the rich design heritage of Belgian nightlife graphics.

The rich design of Belgian nightlife graphics
In “Designing the Night”, flyers and posters whizz past, announcing Belgium’s club culture from the late 1980s and 1990s in styles ranging from minimalist to garish neon, including never-before-shown graphics from iconic clubs like Mirano, Fuse, or Boccaccio. These, along with a hangover and the inability to walk in a straight line, are often the only things left after a night out on the town. You know where the party’s at.
Designing the Night 1/3 > 29/9, ADAM
Lees meer over: Brussel-Stad , Expo , ADAM , Design
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