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'Dream box': Fart for sale!

Kurt Snoekx

The MIMA has reached its sixth chapter, and is eagerly delving into all the punk psychedelia, exquisite inner spaces, and juicy corporate nonsense that is drifting around the Brussels scene.

“Approach, do not fear,” the “Psycho-test Whirlkopf/Schwarzpool v. 3.6” gives to read on a seedy screen. You find yourself in a dreary prefab office plucked straight out of the 1980s (including brochures, a waiting room, and photos of grinning corporate managers), and once you have passed a closed reception counter you are guided around the wonderful world of corporate madness and illiterate algorithms.“You are a self-driving car and your brakes are faulty,” the test continues. “What do you do in that situation? I stick to the road and I drive over cats. I change lanes and I drive over dogs.”

1649 Gogolplex-1 mima-museum

The company responsible for these enticing questions is iMabelpro Eurostom Holding Group S.A., an audacious little company that endeavours to sell you an artwork based on thorough research (a questionnaire, the “Psycho-test”, and a biometric scan) and designed to match your highly personal profile.

Hot air never smelled so enticing

The brains behind this “Self’art” – try moving the apostrophe one letter to the left – and the Holding are the three French, Brussels-based rascals of Gogolplex. These crazy DIY tinkers are overindulging themselves at the MIMA with an hilarious deconstruction of the disconsolate corporate branding consultancy trademark innovation potential experience (for lack of a better word) by veritably reconstructing it. Because you can’t beat reality. In short: hot air has never smelled so enticing. Give these guys a solo show, now!

1649 Elzo Durt-2 mima-museum

Apart from this promo babble, “Dream Box” is also exploring the bizarre entrails and the malleable and boundless unconscious that resists reason. Whether or not that is justified. The bankruptcy of reason is articulated most incisively by the Spanish graffiti artist Escif, whose musical incantations highlight the crushing responsibility of us all.

Felipe Pantone, on the other hand, drags our oversaturated brain into the dizzying world of information technology. Miracle doctor Elzo Durt sees his ingeniously composed punk psychedelia erected in 3D, and the Hell’o collective rolls their utterly imposing “Innerspace” out over a whole room. In other words: the MIMA dreams out of the box.


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Read more about: Sint-Jans-Molenbeek , Expo , MIMA , Gogolplex

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