When Maja Ruznic first exhibited in Belgium four years ago, we were completely blown away by her oppressive paintings that retrieved eerie, story-laden creatures from troubled waters. And her work has only gotten better over the past few years. And more tangible.

The haunting of artist Maja Ruznic
Her Phantoms, puppets that are as powerful as they are fragile and which nestle between us and what is hidden behind the veil of the world, engage in dialogue at Galerie DYS with Anya Belyat-Giunta’s equally haunting drawings. Both search along hybrid traces for a world that we may not see, but which is still firmly hooked into our very flesh.
Maja Ruznic & Anya Belyat-Giunta: Phantoms > 27/4, Galerie DYS
Read more about: Elsene , Expo , sculptuur , tekenkunst , Maja Ruznic , Anya Belyat-Giunta
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