The permanent light project All things will never be all things, has been back for a month. The words 'Forget' and 'Remember' are projected on the walls of the Maalbeek tunnel. After the attacks, they were repaired. "We never thought it would mean so much to so many people."

The light art was inaugurated in early 2014. “'Forget' and 'remember', is what we all do", says artist Lotte Van den Audenaeren to BRUZZ. "It's about things that disapeear forever and that we try to keep alive. That's why I called it All things will never be all things.”

The text is easiest to read after sunset which is why it was always a little under the radar"

Friend at the airport

Van den Audenaeren had dropped off a good friend from New York at the airport. "It took hours for me to reach him. Other friends told me that there had been an explosion in Maalbeek.

Since April 20th, Forget & Remember have been projected on the walls of the Maalbeek tunnel.

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Read more about: Brussel-Stad , Samenleving , Cultuurnieuws

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