1646 doubles vies
Score: 4 op 5

'Doubles vies': the winds of change

Niels Ruëll

In Doubles vies, Olivier Assayas focuses on books, authors, and publishing in the digital age, through conversations with five French bourgeois who enjoy debating and adultery.

Sometimes it is just twaddle, but they sometimes also say profound things. Assayas takes their reflections seriously, but keeps the sequence of dialogue-driven scenes airy with mild mockery and soap-opera-esque twists.

The cast loves the double entendres, the comedy, and the flood of words. The border between talk and piffle is sometimes rather thin, but these reflections are only one aspect of Doubles vies. Ultimately, Assayas films how people are sensing the winds of change.

Watch a clip from Doubles vies here

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Read more about: Brussel , Film , Olivier Assayas , Juliette Binoche

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