On Saturday, the pedestrian zone is being transformed into a dance zone, when all 44 of the students at P.A.R.T.S., the Brussels school for contemporary dance, will take to the streets to present their own work.

The event is being organized as part of the Day of Dance, which will be marked by dozens of dance performances across Flanders and Brussels. The public performances of the students on boulevard Anspachlaan are free, and you will find all sorts: long or short, noticeable or subtly merging with the crowd. Choreographer Benjamin Vandewalle will steer everything in the right, car-free direction.

P.A.R.T.S. & BENJAMIN VANDEWALLE: PARTSPUBLICPIECES 27/4, 11 > 14.00, bd Anspachlaan

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Read more about: Brussel-Stad , Podium , dans , Dag van de dans , voetgangerszone , P.A.R.T.S.

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