1659 ateternitysgate
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'At Eternitys Gate': through the eyes of Vincent van Gogh

Niels Ruëll

The Wikipedia page about Vincent van Gogh continues to be useful. At Eternity’s Gate is not interested in facts, but attempts to see the world through the eyes of the Dutch painter momentarily.

That moment is when the creator of Sunflowers moves to Arles. That was where he lost an ear and where his mental health suffered, but also where he became immersed almost ecstatically in his art.

Julian Schnabel shows what Van Gogh (a phenomenal Willem Dafoe) sees and how he sees it. The effect is enchanting when he rambles in the stunningly beautiful landscape. Rugged beauty, not the sanitized version you find in the museum gift shop

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Read more about: Brussel , Film , Vincent Van Gogh , Julian Schnabel , Willem Dafoe

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