1522 Charli salee
Score: 4 op 5

Resto: Charli Salé

Michel Verlinden

Well-known baker Charli Reboulet, aka Charli, has built himself a great reputation through sheer hard work and exceptional loaves. The man has succeeded in establishing an offbeat, no-frills style. When we heard that he had opened Charli Salé, we asked ourselves straight away if he would be able to maintain the level of excellence that he is known for. The answer is yes.

The Frenchman has created a hybrid establishment that brings to life the old Brussels tea rooms that were once to be found on Nieuwstraat/rue Neuve. This effect is achieved with a hearty welcome from the man in charge,
who calls everyone “chou” and gives his customers knowing winks. The pleasantly homely atmosphere is reinforced by the rather unlikely decor. Sea-green Formica tables, a rust-coloured mezzanine, and “lucha libre” style Mexican drawings. Overall, it is eclectic to say the least. As is the menu, which offers an assortment of sandwiches, quiches, ice-creams, cakes, breakfasts, and…tacos. We went for the tacos, taking advantage of the option consisting of a combination of three different kinds for €10.50. They were quite simply magnificent. Crunchy, like they should be, the tacos are made on-site. They are really worth checking out. For example the “de Mama”, which combines sweet potato, raw red cabbage, and guacamole. Delicious, though the “Argentino” is a must: a mixture of cube roll (rib-eye) steak, tomatoes, shallots, and “chimichurri” sauce – a dressing made with fresh parsley, garlic, oregano, chillies, vinegar, salt, and olive oil. Add to this the “Al Pastor” taco: marinated free-range pork ribs topped off nicely with a coriander sauce and a lime cut in two. Not to mention, a nice Pils Redor for €2.50.

CHARLI SALÉ, Sint-Katelijnestraat 29 rue Sainte-Catherine, Brussel/Bruxelles, 02-502.05.15, Tu > Sa 7.30 > 18.00

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