The theatre arm of the Ghent-based non-profit Dead Poet recently migrated to Brussels. They will henceforth be headquartered at Villa Montald, where they will both rehearse and perform.

Red with Blue Spots, Blue with Red Spots is an experimental diptych. In part one, all the characters, with a few exceptions, only look at each other through mirrors, and the audience is also challenged visually.

In part two, the seven actors make room for a duo that includes author Axel Dhondt, whose script about communication, identity, and truthfulness was based on William Blake’s text about the “doors of perception”.

Dead Poet: Red with Blue Spots, Blue with red spots 25 > 27/1, 20.00, Villa Montald

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Read more about: Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe , Podium , theater , dead poets vzw

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